There are many websites on the web today. To stand out in front of everyone with other competitors is necessary to generate revenue online. It is a necessity to have a website for your business, but it is a must need to make yourself the best among all the others.
If you do not have any website yet for your business, then make it with all the web design tools that are available today in the market. And if you are lacking in knowledge about web design tools, then hire the best web design company which will give you the best results with their work.
You can build your websites using the tools that are available for free or paid. You should make your marketing team implement the updates on their own with available themes on tools. People always prefer to see something that is beautiful and simple.
This is true for e-commerce platforms and business sites. You can use various web design software to create your site more appealing. There are many website design tools available. Few of the best web design software tools are mentioned in this article which will help you to design and develop your existing site or to create a new site.
Web Design Tools – Features:
Best web design software tools come up with some features.
- Editor: Web design helps to improve the visual aspect of websites. Good web design software tools include a visual editor that allows designing that is visually beautiful. It does not need any changes in the codes for changing design using the editor.
- Compatibility: Your chosen website design software should be compatible with the website builder or content management system.
- Templates/Themes: Good website design software will provide various free themes/templates to create a site that attracts visitors. This software is used to make beginner-friendly websites.
- Fonts/Graphics: You should have access to fonts and graphics while using web design software to create prototypes or wireframes. Some web design tools also include hosting services, SSL certificates, content management tools, and domain names.
Free Web Design Tools
There are hundreds of tools available to create website designs, so it is confusing which one to use. Choose wisely what suits your business in the correct manner. Let’s check them out:
WordPress is a web design software tool that is used to design various blogs by beginners. It is free for all designers. It can be operated on all operating systems.
It is an open source management system that makes to create websites within minutes. There are many plugins available to download and install for the functionality of the website. This allows you to perform the entire customization process without any coding knowledge.
The important thing is WordPress is free to use but it costs more for running or building websites.
- Content Management
- Blog Design
- Website Structure
- Popular content management system on Web.
- Customization and configuration due to open-source build
- Thousands of themes and plugins are available.
- It is free to use but it costs for good hosting.
- Known for security vulnerabilities that can take your site at risk if not reported.
Origami is a free web design software tool used for animation purposes. It can operate on Mac operating systems.
Origami is an interface web design tool that is created by designers of Facebook. Sketches with high-fidelity UIs and prototypes are possible with this tool. Mobile prototypes that support mobile gestures and interactions can be built with this animation design tool.
Adding screen interactivity is what this tool helps. Origami is in the conjunction with Figma and Sketch. So, if you are using them you can switch back and forth without losing your work.
- Animation
- Wireframing
- Prototyping
- User Interface Design
- Prototyping, Animations, and Micro-interactions are easy
- Mobile prototyping specialization
- Compatible with Figma and Sketch
- Lack of Collaboration features
- Difficult to learn
- Less support if you have problems while using this tool
Vectr is one of the best simple web design tools for vector drawing. It is a free tool that can be accessed on any web-based operating system.
This tool has similar features to Adobe Illustrator and Sketch. Vector offers to build complex illustrations or design a site or mobile application. Learning drag and drop editor is easy because it is cloud-based and sharing designs is simple.
- Vector Drawing
- Prototyping
- Wireframing
- Cloud-based collaboration is easy.
- Simple, in-built interface and features
- Internet connection is required
- Import-Export have been reported as occasionally difficult
- It displays ads.
GIMP is one of the best simple web design tools for photo editing. It is free to use on operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) is an open-source, popular photo editing tool. The interface is outdated, but it is capable of everything that Photoshop does. It is the choice of designers who have limited budgets and design UIs or edit pictures.
- Photo Editing
- Prototyping
- Wireframing
- Alternative to Photoshop for designers with a budget
- Feature-rich advanced photo editing
- A large community of users for support if any problem exists.
- The interface is outdated.
- Non-experts cannot use tools and icons that are in-build with a sharper learning curve.
- Lack of out-of-the-box prototyping and Wireframing features.
- Front-End Web Design
- User Interface (UI) Design
- Mobile-first web development while using this tool
- No need to create two different sites
- Documentation is provided for a need
- Lots of responsive interface options with easy customization
- Knowledge of coding is required
- It has intuitive options for its components in case of styling but they are not extensive which makes websites more similar.
Wrapping up
The right website design tool can help to make you visible online and increase your sales. You need to choose the correct and best web design tool that can drive your business to a higher level. The accurate website design software can allow you to work on prototypes, wireframes, and designs of a website that attracts your online visitors. There are many free tools that you can use as per your choice and requirement.